Saturday, May 18, 2013

2nd Birthday

Kai is 2!  What a year it has been.  Kai is now speaking in full sentences.  The first 3 word sentence was "Go to Sleep"  Now he can say almost whatever he needs to.  Only occasionally is he unclear.  His favorite expressions are "No Digging, Caspian"  "Kai Guy have some" "Pick you up"  "Pa working" "Oh no..."  " Gary Gecko run away" "Big one"  He will repeat whole sentences if you ask him something.
he runs, climbs and jumps on anything and everything.  He loves going to the park especially if there are other kids.  He has a blast in the keiki coop.  Kai has lots of playdates and loves to swim.  He lays in the water and kicks his legs.  He also loves to bring his boogie board to the beach and go surfing.  Every wave, he wants to be a "big one"  and he has a a huge grin on his face when he sees a big wave.
His best friends are Olive and Mark Dale.
His favorite activities are trains and balance bike.  He has gotten really fast on his bike.  "Kai go fast"  and the neighbor comment making him proud.  The other day the neighbor kids were on there scooters and Kai ditched me to hang out with his bike.  He likes to go on "mama bike"  but sometimes protests.
Naps are not his favorite nor is going to sleep.   He likes to sleep in and once when I woke him he said "more sleeping".
He can count and enjoys counting his numbers.  He is getting much better at his colors.
He likes "chocolate cow milk" "one pop or two pop" dippie, anything he can dip and pizza.
I look forward to seeing Kai continue to grow and learn and explore his world.

For his second birthday, we had a party at Haleiwa Ali'ii Beach Park again.  This year it was pirate themed.  He had a bounce house and only he came out to get drinks and have his cake.  He loved runnig and jumping and tackling his friends.  He had a pirate theme and his friend Olive's mom, aunty Dara did an amazing job crafiting and decorating the party.  There were pirate hats, gold dablooms, treasure maps, pirate flags, shell mac and cheese, fruit swords, cannon ball raisins.  Sadie, Olive, Mark Dale, Halle, McKenzie, Adelaide, and Austin attended his party.  Kai took a biggie nap when he came home after all the excitment.

On his actual day of birth.  He got up and opend a new bull dozer for his train set.  Played some trains, then we biked to breakfast at Haleiwa Cafe, went to the park at Haeliwa School, Kai came home and opened his presents from his party ate some pizza and then went to Turtle Bay.  I brought his boogie board and he practiced his surfing and Kai Guy swimming.  His face lights up when he is in the water. We finished the day with take out Thai, a bath and more trains and playing with his new toys.

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