Monday, February 27, 2012


Kai plays with some of his friends about once a week.  This week we went to his friend Halle's house and I remembered to take pictures.  The babies played in the pool.  Kai had fun crawling in and out of the pool.  I posted the pictures for this post in March :-)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Standing and Walking

Look, I am standing!

So now I should walk?!?

Going for it
Kai crawled before he would sit independently for any length of time.  So it only seems natural that the moment he is able to stand independently he move on to walking.  Kai has been able to stand for a few seconds and the time is gradually increasing.  With the increased time, Kai tries to take steps.  I want him to wait for Victor to come back home before he walks and have not encouraged hom.  He has a few short weeks before his Pa is back in Hawaii and then he can walk.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Papa's Birthday

Flashback to 4 months

Kai matching the pinball

Today is Victor's birthday which he is celebrating in Nogales, Arizona. Happy Birthday!!! Kai and I mailed some surprises to him.  In honor of Victor's birthday, here are some photos of Kai and pinball machines.  Kai loves all the lights of the pinball machines.  He likes to crawl on the glass adding an extra game playing distraction.  He loves spending time with his father and soon will be another pinball wizard.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

9 month check up and books

9 month visit


Kai had his 9 month visit with Dr. Olson on 2/16/12.  She said he is the healthiest baby she has seen all month.  He weighs 18, 13oz which puts him at 30 % for weight.  His height is 60% but I never was told what that is in inches and his noggin is 97%.  He is a genius.  There were no shots at this visit.  Kai left  a happy camper and we went to a FRG meeting.

Kai loves to read his books.  He really enjoys touch and feel books.  Kai really gets into it and even tastes the feel spots.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I was putting things away in the fridge

Now that Kai is getting bigger he s getting into mischief.  Of course at this point, I take a picture of it and laugh.  He is just too cute.  Now instead of justing opening drawers, he empties the contents.  Even more babyproofing needs to happen.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Since Victor took command, things have been very busy.  Victor left to build a road in Arizona with several of his platoons.  Kai continues to keep me very busy.  On Valentine's Day, I tried several attempts at cute photos of my little Valentine.  The only succesful way to have him look at me was to get infront of him as he climbed the stairs.

Attempt 1

Attempt 2

Back home, lets try the hibiscus. Fail!


The next day Kai had a playdate at his house.  Samuel, Halle and Austin all came over to play.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Standing and more standing

Standing in the backyard

Loves Watermelon

Playing at the playground

Eating avocado and some egg yolk
Kai has mastered standing and can do it on his own for a second or two. He will climb on anything to stand.  He loves playing his his cars and trucks.  He will also loves chasing his ball around.  Kai still finds Caspian to be hilarious. He loves doing Native American war chants.  He has also perfected an excited squeal.  He often laughs when playing with his toys.  Kai remains a very happy boy.  Although a full night of sleep eludes him still.  Avocado is still his favorite food with sweet potato a close second followed by watermelon and then mum mums.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Military history

We were able to see much of Oahu's military history while Pop Pop visited.  Pop Pop and Denise went to Pearl Harbor without us but we were able to go to the Military Museum where I neglected to take pictures. However, our tour of Ford Island included USS Utah and above are the photos.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pop Pop Visit


Hanging out in Pop Pop's hotel room
Pop Pop and Denise came to visit.  The timing of their vist was  for Victor's change of command but due to scheduling in the Army this was unable to happen.  We still had a wonderful visit with them.  Kai was able to go swimming with Pop Pop nearly everyday of his visit.

We went to a luau at the Hale Koa, a tour of the South Shore, a tour of the North Shore, the BN change of command, beach time and relaxing pool side.

