Friday, September 21, 2012

16 months

Banana fields we past every night

Kai is learning and growing so much every day.  He keeps getting taller.  He is a big helper and can close doors and turn on and off lights.  He tries to help putting his toys away but that can be distracting.  He loves to climb on anything and everything.  His vocabulary is rapidly expanding.  His favorite words are " Up, down, more, Caspi, no".  He is able to say the names of his baby sitters.  He surprises me with some of the words he can say.
Kai loves to grab your hand bring you some where and tell you down so that you will play with him.  He still has a wonderful sense of humor and loves to laugh.  He loves to be tickled and chased.  Kai is still a really good dancer and will turn music on so that everyone can dance.  Sometimes he still takes 2 naps a day but lately he has been taking one nice long one in the afternoon.  Some days when we are home and he is too busy playing to nap he will say bike, bike.  We will get on a bike ride to the ocean where he will look at the ocean and then fall fast asleep.  It makes for a good workout for me.  Kai is taking another semester for music class taught by his friend McKenzie's mom Chelsea.  He has playdates almost weekly with his friends Olive, Halle and Austin.  He sees his friend Mark Dale about once a month too.  Kai likes to play with Keegan who lives behind us.  There are knots in the wood fence and they take turns sticking there fingers in to each other.  Kai cut three molars this month.  His amber necklace broke and it was a long 2 weeks before I had it repaired.  Kai sleep has not been so good and he wakes in pain from his teeth. Hopefully, this will end soon.  Kai can walk Caspian now.  Caspi typically goes for 3 walks a day.  Kai will walk him in the afternoon when we do a short walk because of the heat to the Dole offices.  Caspian is really good for him and Kai thinks it fun.  Until he becomes distracted by a chicken or flower.  We try to go the park twice a day.  We usually are successful with at least one visit.  I read that this should curb his climbing. (It doesn't but it tires him out.)  We have been going to the beach with my friend Courtney and taking advantage of her living so close to us.  Even if we spend an hour, Kai is able to swim and play at the park.
Kai still loves fruit the best out of any food.  He prefers watermelon, grapes, blueberries, bananas, papaya and mango.  He is a good eater and will try anything.  He is not a big meat eater unless he is at Costco then he will try all the samples.

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